Dentistry For Children, Inc. | Pediatric Dentist Highlands Ranch & Littleton LittletonExceptionalFive Star Review by Kathleen P.

2015-09-25 3 (303) 798-4400 Dentistry For Children, Inc. | Pediatric Dentist Highlands Ranch & Littleton Littleton reviews
5 Star Rating

We've been seeing Dr Autumn for upwards of 12 years I believe. It all started when our now 13 year old was about a 1 year and the pediatrician wanted us to take him to a dentist for what was a possible growth on his gum. Thankfully it didn't end up being anything of significance, other than the beginning of a long-time relationship with Dentistry for Children.

When our younger son first started going (around 12 months old) he would scream through each cleaning and exam. Through their patience, kindness and love of kids our boys now 13 and 12 actually enjoy going to the dentist.

Dentistry For Children, Inc. | Pediatric Dentist Highlands Ranch & Littleton
404 East Mineral Avenue
Littleton CO